The project of the MOOC start in 2016 thanks to IN SITU ACT program. We work during two years with the European network IN SITU, ARTCENA which is a french national center of theatre, circus and danse, and a lots of artists and europeans professionals.

For the first time, the Create in Public Space MOOC brings together theoretical and practical knowledge on artistic creation in public space.

This interactive online course is free and available in French and English, and provides artists and internationaln cultural stakeholders the opportunity to explore artistic creation in public

What is public space?
Why do artists choose to work in these unconventional places?
How do they use these spaces around the world?
What kinds of legislation and technical characteristics do professionals have to take into account?

Around 15 hours of videos will be made available to learners to answer these questions, covering history, aesthetics and the specifics of dramaturgy, scenography and the relationship with the audience that characterise this sector, through a hundred or so recent artistic projects from international artists.

Learners will be encouraged to be more than passive receivers of turnkey information, and to experiment at home and in public spaces in order to master the concepts covered. They can take the MOOC alone or in study groups coordinated by our professional partners.
This MOOC will present all the artistic, political and human diversity of projects in public space and the full range of their aesthetics. It is first and foremost an analytical tool and a knowledge base, which we hope will be used by a whole host of artists from all around the world.

The FAI-AR, the European network IN SITU and Réseau Culture 21 have joined forces to create the new MOOC “Cultural rights in public space: living, cooperating, creating”. This MOOC is an initiative of IN SITU, the European platform for artistic creation in space, as part of the (UN)COMMON SPACES 2020-2024 project co-financed by the European Union’s Creative Europe Program.

The lessons and themes proposed in this MOOC are an adaptation of the “Habiter l’espace public” research-action project run by Réseau Culture 21 from 2020 to 2023.

Free and bilingual (French-English), this MOOC is a valuable resource for artists, producers and organizers of artistic events in public spaces. It enables them to draw on cultural rights to build, analyze and develop their approaches to creation, programming and support initiatives.

Public spaces are never neutral: the narratives and representations attached to these places, as well as political power relations at play, influence their use and appropriation. These dynamics create physical or symbolic boundaries, which can restrict mobility, access to places and interactions between people. This MOOC aims to raise awareness of issues that go beyond artistic creation alone among creators and players in the sector, to help them take part in public spaces with an awareness of the wider issues at stake.

The MOOC offers theoretical content, testimonials and accounts of experiences in a variety of formats: lessons, interviews, sound bites and related resources. Its seven chapters present a diversity of viewpoints: those of cultural operators, artists, researchers and players in the field of public space.